Jit's Double Whammy Retail Hell: Nats and Asshat Managers
Okay. Today, I had a customer call in the store that I rang out earlier (exactly 6:36, as she didn't fail to mention several times). She said that she paid me with two $100 bills and that I shorted her $10 because I keyed in the wrong amount ($190). I'm perfectly fine with counting down my till, but for the life of me, I couldn't remember accepting any $100 bills that day.
I went to count down my till, and lo and behold, no $100 bills in sight. There is no reason for me to take out a $100 bill for change or anything, so there is no way that I had those bills. The lady who counts down my till said that it balanced perfectly. The supervisor told her that I was not over $10, and she hung up on her.
Twenty minutes later, she showed up at the service desk, asking for me.
The service desk has absolutely no idea why she's there, so they called me over. She then proceeded to yell at me that I ripped her off.
I tried explaining to her why I couldn't have possibly miscounted and she told me to recount it. My supervisor told her I wasn't going to do that and sent me to put away strays.
I didn't run again all night, and at the end of my shift when I was told to count down, I counted down. It took approximately thirty seconds because I'd already done it. I went to the break room, gathered my things, and went to the registers up front to punch out. The time clock said 10:28 when the conflict occurred.
One of the night managers came up to "Lyssa" and me and haughtily told us to clock out right then since we were ready to go. She was mad that we were just standing by the time clocks. The register she looked at said it was 10:26. I looked at mine and said as politely as I could, "It is? This register says 10:29, that's the one we've been going by."
She said it didn't matter, we had to clock out right then. I was getting angry and snarkily said "Okay, I just need you to sign a note so the day managers will know we got permission from a manager to clock out early."
"I won't either, it's your own fault that you're just standing here doing nothing. It ain't no skin off my back that you'd get the half infraction."
"Then I can't clock out. We were told when we got hired that we are not allowed to clock out early without a manager's consent."
She then proceeded to tell Lyssa and I that if we didn't clock out right then and there, she would write us up. By this time the time had changed to 10:30, so I clocked out.
I know we aren't supposed to technically go in the back and get our things before we clock out and all, but the thing that made me the most angry was that she was disputing ONE lousy stinking minute. I was pissed. Then she walked away and the entire time, everyone from loss prevention, the girls from fashions, and the electronics associate were standing at a time clock by register 12 (we were at register 3 or 4) so they didn't get yelled at. -_-+
Retail hell love,
What a bitch. That has to be the dumbest reason for a manager to get snarky ever.
Posted by: Aunty | Wednesday, December 08, 2010 at 01:04 AM
She's an idiot. And the friggin' 30 seconds she spent bitching at you was all it took to put you over your correct clock out time, so she's an impatient idiot.
Posted by: Jmonkeh | Wednesday, December 08, 2010 at 05:43 AM
When I worked in retail the payment was measured in 15 minute increments, so if you clocked out a minute early you lost the previous 14 minutes of pay. Not fun.
Posted by: Archonix | Wednesday, December 08, 2010 at 05:46 AM
I've heard at some places the time clocks will either round up or down. And like Archonix said, if it rounds down, you actually loose time (and money). Don't know if that's how your clocks work, but yeah, arguing over a minute (and taking a minute to argue) is pretty stupid and petty. Of course it all ended up working out, as by the time the argument was over, you clocked out exactly on time anyway, so her whole argument was moot.
Posted by: NC Tony | Wednesday, December 08, 2010 at 12:26 PM
Costco's the other way. I have a three minute window to leave before my scheduled time out. Also, 3 minute late window coming in and back from lunch.
I'm not sure that companies can legally round their time clocks down by 15 minutes. That sounds like a class action waiting to happen.
Posted by: Triple C | Wednesday, December 08, 2010 at 05:16 PM