Hey RHU!
It's me, Generic Cashier. Only I might not be Generic Cashier much longer! I got a full time job starting in August doing something a lot more interesting (I'll be a do-everything-gal in a small repair type shop). For now I'm keeping my cashier job to pay off some bills. Very exciting stuff!
Now, a questions, plus two mini stories to follow it up: What is good lunchroom etiquette?
I ask this because yesterday I wanted to punch a guy twice my size in the head. I was sitting quietly on the couch nursing a migraine before I had to go downstairs again, when he plops down next to me. He's got his headphones in (the little earbud type), and I could clearly hear every beat of some hardcore/screamo/metal song, along with the lyrics loud and clear. I could hear it from across the room when I left to throw out my garbage.
Now don't get me wrong, this guy is alright, I've talked to him a few times, but I don't want to be able to hear his music when I've got a pounding migraine and I just want to eat my lunch. What should I do? Ask him to turn it down? Leave and go have lunch in my car so I can sit in relative silence (there were other people in the lunchroom who noticed as well)? What do I even say to him if I ask him to turn it down? Help RHU!
This second one doesn't happen quite as often, but it still pisses me off. If you're eating or something, maybe you should skip this story...
For a little while a few months ago, there was one girl who was always on the store phone in the lunchroom making outside calls WHILE texting on her cell phone.
First, this girl looks like she ALWAYS has a stick up her ass, and sounds like it too. Second, using the lunchroom phone for outside calls is totally okay - you just have to remember other people need to use it for in-store calls sometimes if they get paged, and that once in awhile someone else would like to use it to make an outside call too. The phone is located on the table where most people like to sit and eat and have a nice conversation.
The topic of her conversation for the full 30 minutes of her lunch every day? Gory details of her abortion. Loudly. While the rest of us are trying to eat lunch. This went on for at least a week that I saw. Talk about gross. I couldn't even figure out how the hell to tell her to stfu of take is elsewhere so I wouldn't hurl. How do you even deal with that shit she was doing? Disgusting.
So, RHU, tell me about lunchroom etiquette.
Maybe I'll print it out and post it in the lunchroom for my last week. :)
--Generic Cashier
It has been the rule in my house, on the bus, and on the plane that if someone else can clearly hear your music, ITS TOO FUCKING LOUD! If you want to play music that loud, then get yourself a pair of padded earphones that blocks the sound going out. As a migraine sufferer, there is nothing more annoying than listening to someone else's noise pollution. Those mp3 players have a volume control for a reason. And if it has to be that loud, it probably means you're already starting to suffer hearing loss.
Posted by: Humor_Me | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 03:05 AM
aaannnddd.... I hit the post instead of the preview button...
You probably couldn't tell the one guy to turn his headphones down, but you most certainly could tell Miss TMI that she needed to keep that kind of information to herself. Not everybody (especially you) was interested in that lunchtime fare. If she made a stink about it, you had every right to go higher up.
As much as I love a good disaster movie with special effects, I'm not very fond of spending my time in emergency rooms when they bring in patients from car accidents. Its a whole different thing.
Posted by: Humor_Me | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 03:12 AM
Try asking music guy what he's listening to. "X band." "Oh, really? Because from ALL THE WAY OVER HERE, it sounds like Y Band. My mistake!" It might make him think "hurr durr too loud."
As for phone girl, she needs a reminder from someone, anyone, that the phone is for everyone and the conversation needs to be work appropriate. A manager would step in if you were giving out graphic details of your sex life, medical procedures deserve the same treatment.
Posted by: Aunty | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 03:46 AM
You know, you could just say "Hey. Would you mind turning the volume down? I've got a migraine." It's not hard, or rude. I know sometimes volume creep gets me as I listen to a solid album and I barely realize how loud it gets by the end.
As for second case; if she's talking about the gory details let her know it's making you sick.
Posted by: HimMeVerily | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 04:16 AM
Heh: Maybe it's my morbid and twisted mind. But I just enjoy the fact that the girl who talks about abortions apparently has a stick up her ass.
Posted by: HimMeVerily | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 04:19 AM
For the first situation, I would just ask him if he could please turn the volume down as it disturbs you. You do not have to even mention your migraine. I think Auntys idea would not work because in that case, he could think "oh, someone likes my music, so it is ok to leave it at the volume others can hear".
For the second situation, I woul react less politely, but rather tell her bluntly that nobody is interested in her intimate details and that she should talk about them at home.
Posted by: Soft Ice Girl | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 04:29 AM
I think anything involving the bedroom, the bathroom or the doctor should be kept to minimum voice level. But that's just me.
And sometimes the "loud enough for all to enjoy" goes the other way. I was on the bus and some woman halfway down the bus was yapping to her friend sitting NEXT to her so frickin loud, I had to turn up my music to drown her out. But poor Ian Anderson was no match ...
Posted by: heavy melvanova | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 05:20 AM
In the first situation, you could probably have just asked the guy to turn it down, especially if he was a decent guy, like you said.
As for the second situation, I would have politely asked her not to discuss that issue in the break room. If she still did, fuck it I'd go to a manager because that is a HIGHLY inappropriate subject to discuss at work and if she will blab about it in the break room, what's keeping her from doing it on the sales floor.
Posted by: Aisle-Standing | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 05:44 AM
As someone who likes to have my MP3 player going when I work (since I work after the store has closed) I still make sure it's not so loud that anyone standing close to me can hear. Although, a few years ago, I had a memorable run in with an asshole bus driver. It was late at night, I was the only passenger on the bus by this point, so I had moved up to the front, and the bus driver complained that my walkman (remember those?) was too loud, so I turned it down. He said it was still too loud, so I turned it down again, until I could barely hear it. He then turned to me and practically yelled "If I have to tell you to turn it down again I'll kick off the goddamn bus! Turn it off!" If it wasn't for the fact that it was late at night, and I was still far away from my stop (and would have had to walk through a very bad neighborhood) I would have gotten off right then and there. As it was I glared at him until I got to my stop, I stood up, looked him in the eye, said, "You know, you're a fucking asshole!" and got off and went home. Lucky for me, I never did see him again.
As for the co-worker talking about something as personal as an abortion (especially since she's leaving in all the gory details) I probably would have told her to shut the hell up, because no one wants to hear that.
Posted by: NC Tony | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 08:21 AM
A friend of mine fought a neighbor's loud party music by blaring his favorite bagpipe music...they ended up calling the cops on him...but he's pals with the cops (volunteers and all that jazz) so they got the real scoop and slapped the partiers with the noise ordinance
Posted by: Spritzy | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 08:23 AM
Sometimes on the bus I can hear the lyrics of the song the guy 2 seats in front of me is listening to. Enjoy your hearing loss buddy. Most people will turn it down if you ask though, only the occasional super dick cranks the volume.
I think abortion girl needs remedial lessons on what is and isn't appropriate workplace conversation. Perhaps you could post one of those Highlights cartoons on the break room wall. Goofus describes a medical procedure in nauseating detail. Gallant discusses the sporting event he watched last night. I don't think I'd know how to approach her. If your managers aren't the type to fire first and ask questions later you could ask one of them to talk to her. It's why they get paid more than you after all.
Posted by: Green Grin | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 01:27 PM
For both situations, don't be passive aggressive - speak up. Ask guy one politely to turn the volume down, citing your migraine. Most people will, unless he's an asshole or you're a chronic complainer. Girl two might be tougher, since someone who discusses something controversial and nauseating around lunch while texting on the other phone probably has entitlement issues. But speak up, and if she's willing to be reasonable it's over. If not, get a manager involved, that's just wrong.
Posted by: Grendus the Self Check Guy | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 06:01 PM
For both situations, don't be passive aggressive - speak up. Ask guy one politely to turn the volume down, citing your migraine. Most people will, unless he's an asshole or you're a chronic complainer. Girl two might be tougher, since someone who discusses something controversial and nauseating around lunch while texting on the other phone probably has entitlement issues. But speak up, and if she's willing to be reasonable it's over. If not, get a manager involved, that's just wrong.
Posted by: Grendus the Self Check Guy | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 06:01 PM
The first guy you can just ask politely to turn the music down. Unless he's an asshole, it shouldn't be a big deal.
As for the girl...man, that sets off my rage/tear button like whoa. I have a very visceral reaction against abortion and might have lost it on her. I think a very strongly-worded "That was not appropriate" speech would be in order, at least. And if she won't listen to you, ask the manager to speak to her.
Posted by: Luna | Monday, July 25, 2011 at 11:31 PM
My penny's worth: Abortion is a complex and difficult issue about which, as we all know only too well, there is no real agreement across society. For that reason and many others is not something about which anybody apart from the two parents in question, between them, should have the power of an absolute say-so.
However, everybody else should definitely have the right not to hear about it if they don't wish to.
Posted by: Djinn | Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 06:54 AM