Holiday Hiring Hell
Drugstore Hell: Nightmare EBT Custy

Merry Christmas From Spain!

No shitty joke! This is a real tradtion from Spain. I posted about it last year and it's called Caganer and is a traditional figurine found in Nativity scenes there. Michelle Quevedo wrote about it on the Stuff That Makes a Gay Heart Weep blog. Why is everyone so intrigued with a man in a Santa Hat taking a shit? CLICK HERE to find out.

Here is video of Caganer - WARNING - be sure to mute - there's fucking Christmas music in the backgroud.



Hellbound Alleee

Yes, he is literally called "the shitting shepherd." He is traditionally put in the Nativity scene to show the humble beginnings of Christ or something.

The weird thing is, most caganers are celebrities, like the pope or the president.

Robert Crabtree

The tradition comes from the Catalan speaking region of Spain (east coast areas, notably Valencia and Barcelona), but it has all poop.

Green Grin

The caganer is usually hidden somewhere in the nativity. This one is not very well hidden.

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