Wronged Workers: Chewed Out For Being A Newbie
I just started my first job, and two hours into my first shift I was given a lecture by the district manager (Who had popped in unexpectedly) because I was slow and really wasn't doing much.
1) My numbers hadn't come through so I couldn't use the cash register at all.
2) My boss was too busy at that time to continue telling me how to do everything, so I couldn't really do much but straighten stuff on the shelves anyway.
I told him so. I don't think he liked being talked back to...
Yeah, that reminds me of a time back when I was a new hire, I had only been there two weeks, and it was my first job. One night before I went home I got yelled at for not taking my break, by the manager who told me not to take my break...
Posted by: PicEdit | Tuesday, March 03, 2015 at 10:29 AM
Well of course, even if you are a newbie at the job, you must be 100% perfect and never dare to raise your voice about anything, unless it's to kiss any supervisor's ass. (And make sure you don't kiss the lower supervisor's ass when the higher supervisor is in close proximity)*/sarcasm*
Posted by: Account Deleted | Tuesday, March 03, 2015 at 12:31 PM
You poor soul. I remember my first day at Six Flags, I was like ten minutes late because I got lost as fuck. (Employee entrance dump-out from the "training" was so far away.) Then on top of that, I let in several guys with pocket knives. *sigh*
That DM can kiss his own ass.. <3<
Posted by: PlummieNewbie | Tuesday, March 03, 2015 at 02:59 PM