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Muslim holidays and bacon.

But, since they're Pringles, there's probably no actual bacon in them anyway... :P

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My grandmother gave us a bacon calender (based on American and Canadian holidays, so it isn't helpful in Germany, actually) with nice facts about it. And yes, the beginning of Ramadan is mentioned in it... my mother mentioned how absolutely weird that seemed.


The google shows smokey bacon flavour, available in Britain, to be vegan, and therefore halal as long as it doesn't contain alcohol.


It could be a way for someone orthodox to try bacon, without committing an actual unclean act. That way they can satisfy curiosity without being fully led into temptation.


Ok, now I'm jealous. While I don't care about vegan, I want bacon pringles.


Well, also the day light long fast and snack foods advertising seems to be a bit off.

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