Grinchy Custys: How Can You Run Out Of Ham On Christmas Eve?!
From: mrtomhanks
It was Christmas Even and I was cleaning in the Supermarket's deli. I overheard this conversation between the Deli worker and a customer:
(C = Customer, DW = Deli worker)
C: "Excuse me, do you have any Christmas hams?"
DW: "I'm sorry, we sold out this morning. It's been busy."
C: "What? I need that ham!"
DW: "They were very popular."
C: "But it is impossible to run out of Christmas hams on Christmas eve!"
DW: "............But we did run out." [facepalms]
C: "Can you get some more in for me??"
DW: "There is a supply coming in on Boxing Day."
C: "Boxing day? I need it for tomorrow!!!! Isn't there some coming tomorrow?????"
DW: "The store is closed tomor-"
DW: "The store closes in 5 minutes. There is no ham. If you continue to yell at me, I'll have security escort you out of the store!"
C: "YOU CAN'T DO THA-....."
Gee, I didn't know our hams were that good....
I'd say running out of Christmas hams on Christmas Eve means that their inventory clerk ordered exactly the correct number of hams...
Posted by: kitai306 | Friday, December 04, 2015 at 08:13 AM
Ah, a crusty fell prey to the 7Ps
Problems Promoted Per Piss Poor Prior Planning.
Also, if you held up a mirror and told them it was that person's fault, would they attack it like a buggie?
Posted by: InSecurity | Friday, December 04, 2015 at 09:31 AM
turkeys's the day before thanksgiving, Christmas trees the day before christmas, Halloween costumes the day before Halloween--why do people think it is ok to shop for the main component of a holiday the DAY BEFORE said holiday?!!
and why are they always surprised when we are sold out....
Posted by: janitorgirl | Friday, December 04, 2015 at 10:11 AM
InSecurity, knowing them, they might act like some cats or toddlers do to their reflection: tap at it and then look behind it, to look for that other self.
Also, gee, I dunno, maybe you should have ordered one or, say, gone out to buy one earlier?
Posted by: Account Deleted | Friday, December 04, 2015 at 10:18 AM
"I wanted my Christmas ham to be FRESH!" Lady, those hams have been around since Halloween.
Posted by: TaTa Ria | Friday, December 04, 2015 at 05:48 PM