Creepy Coworker Hell: "Come To My Place And Play Dress-Up For The Camera!"
TechChewToy here with a story from long before I was a chewtoy and I was instead working at a movie theater. I have told stories of this place before, but this is one I haven't had a chance to share. Technically, it is the story of a creepy co-worker...
Scene: Movie theater in a bad part of town. I am 16, female, and a student athlete, stuck behind a customer service counter in black slacks, heels (they were required!), and a tuxedo shirt.
Enter stage left: Security Guy Bob (not his real name). Bob is about mid-50's, heavily overweight, balding, and very, very tall.
Side Note: All of our security team was armed. Guns, tasers, and pepper spray. It was necessary.
I am on cheerful terms with all of the staff- I was a high-schooler but tended to work doubles whenever possible and was being trained to work as an assistant manager. Bob frequently spends time chatting with me at the service desk or while I was cleaning, just shooting the shit and telling all kinds of crazy stories. There was long periods of downtime between shows. I thought he was interesting until one day he pulls out this gem...
Bob: Hey, you know, you have a great body. A really great body. You know, when I'm not here, I run a little photography studio out of my house. I've been wanting to do a pin-up calendar. You know, one of those classy ones where the girls are naked but not -really- naked. I really want you to be my model.
Me: *stares*
Bob: Think about it! I'll pay you! I have all the outfits and everything.
Me: Um... Bob, I'm 16.
Bob: $200, plus a cut of whatever we make on the calendar. No one has to know your age.
Me: *laughs nervously and pretends to get called to the back*
He asked me a couple more times after that, but never really pressed it and eventually one day he was just gone. No idea what happened. One of the other security guards picked up the 'slack' soon after, though, buying me lunch a few times when I was working double shifts, before telling me I had great tits and that he and his girlfriend were looking for someone to 'mess around' with.
To this day, I am baffled that these men who could have had daughters my age would blatantly and brazenly hit on me at work. I really couldn't do anything about it, either. They were armed, technically they were contracted by corporate and overseen by their own company, and my management was encouraged to 'not rock the boat'.
All wasn't too bad, though. One of the guys that eventually replaced Bob was a retired NYC detective w/ a granddaughter my age. He was a genuinely good man with a shit-ton of amazing stories and he looked after me and helped me out when crusties tried to make life hell.
"heels (they were required!)"
What? Were you at least allowed to sit down?
"and my management was encouraged to 'not rock the boat'."
Fuck not rocking the boat. Rock that boat like you're falling down a waterfall; call the company they are hired by and tell them they keep hiring men that make sexual advances at an UNDERAGE (always make sure to put attention to that) girl.
Posted by: Lightning | Thursday, October 13, 2016 at 03:12 AM
Hello Officers, I am a 16 year old girl who is being harassed by older men who carry weapons. Can you help me?
Posted by: Tech Support Survivor | Thursday, October 13, 2016 at 11:39 AM
Welcome to the sexual harassment culture of the US that people swear doesn't exist. Too many times management would rather get rid of the one rocking the boat then the creeps causing an issue.
Posted by: LadyBelle | Thursday, October 13, 2016 at 03:09 PM