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Retail Hell Memories: Custy Gets Angry at Security Guard Because He's Not an Information Counter


Carolanne 038C

From neokaizaints, Tales From Retail:

I'm a security guard but I work in retail and grocery stores. Mods can remove if it's not appropriate.

One time about 3 years ago I was standing at the entrance of the store watching for suspicious people. An older lady walks in. She's OL and I'm Me.

OL: "Do you know where <product> is?" shoves flyer in my face

Me: "Sorry ma'am, I'm security, I don't pay attention to that stuff"

OL: "But you walk around all day!" walks off before I can respond

While doing a round, she stops me.

OL: "I know you don't care but here's where <product> is in case you want to actually do your job!"

She said this as if she were a mother scolding a 4 year old who was having a tantrum.

Me: " Sorry, that's not my job. Have a nice day"

She went to say something but I walked away. She ended up complaining to the cashier that I was rude to her and unhelpful. Gave me a weird look as she left. I just smiled and waved. Security doesn't know where stuff is. We watch people, not products.







I once saw an old man standing by the empty security podium.

me-"Is there something i can help you with?"
him- "I need to know if you carry a certain product."
me- "You can go upstairs to customer service."
him- "Isn't this the information desk?"
me- "No, that is a security podium, it's where our security guards watch the cameras. You have to go upstairs."

I quickly walked off in the opposite direction.

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