Grinchy Custys: The Sign Said Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off, So They Should All Be 50% Off!
From drakeanddrive, TalesFromRetail
This happened about a week before Christmas. A little back story: We were having a buy 1 get 1 deal on certain pajamas. Lady comes with her two kids buying around 8ish pairs.
She'll be DL for dumb lady and I'll be M for me
(After exchanging small talk and scanning everything)
DL: Wait, you're not giving me the discounts. They should be 50% off.
M: The deal is buy 1 get 50% off. (I proceed to show her the deal in a magazine, and then the computer that shows which are being discounted)
DL: That's not right. Scan everything again.
(I void the entire transaction and scan it all over, another lady and her friend behind DL visibly upset so I shut my light off to signal the register is closed)
M: Okay the discounts are all there, it's buy 1 get 1 50% off? See? (As I show her the computer)
DL: No, that's still too much. Try again.
(Not wanting to scan it all again, I bring out my calculator on my phone and break it ALL down for her. Took about 5+ minutes)
DL: I want to speak to a manager this isn't right, they should all be 50% off
(Supervisor comes and has to scan all the items with a special device and has me change the prices manually, and she ended up getting the correct buy 1 get 1 50% off deal)
She ended up paying like $5 more than original, and the lady behind her said, "Damn that bitch dumb as hell."