Shoe Store Hell: You Stole My Bags!
From BeaverKlever, TalesFromRetail
This happened to me about three years ago so I'll do my best to paraphrase.
I worked at a shoe store at my local mall. A mom and her daughter came in one afternoon with some bags on their arms looking for some shoes. I help them try on some shoes, then they leave with their bags. Everything's good.
Here's where it gets interesting. They come back, and make a bee line straight for me. I can tell something's up, and I like helping out where I can, so I meet them half-way. For the dialogue, I'll be BK, and the mom will be M.
M: You took my bags.
BK: ..Huh?
M: I can't find my bags. I left them here and you took them while I was gone.
BK: Oh, I didn't take them, I'll definitely help you look though!
All this time her daughter isn't saying anything, but she's following her mom around and nodding in affirmation when she talks. I pretty much just followed her around as she checked every corner. Then she went to the storage room. I tried to tell her it was employees only but she wasn't having it. After a good fifteen minute search, I assure her we didn't take them. The distraught woman stands in the middle of the store and squints while she looks around. Okay, maybe she's trying to remember where she put the bags. She looks at her arms, and notices her bags attached to them.
M: Nevermind
BK: What?
M: I found them. I wish you could've been more help, honestly.
She walks out with her daughter. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or what. I saw she had bags on her arms, but I just assumed she meant she lost one or two out of the ten total shopping bags. I assumed the first place she would look would be her arms. Guess I was wrong.
Probably the silliest moment I've had working in retail.