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Retail Problems: Still Thinking....

Old People Hell: The Lost Umbrella



From  gay-pears, Tales From Retail:

So I work as a cashier at a local grocery store and restaurant. I basically just checkout customers, take to go orders, answer the phone, and sit around most of the time. The place has been in business a long time and we have a lot of the same regulars coming in literally daily.

When I come in to work, one of our regular couples is sitting in to eat. They're a real sweet elderly couple so I can't complain too much about them but what just happened was pretty annoying.

They come in and eat and leave and about two hours later the husband calls and says he has lost his umbrella. No one had turned in an umbrella at my counter nor did I remember seeing them leave with one since it wasn't raining outside but I guess I could've been wrong.

First off, he doesn't want to speak to me on the phone and wants to speak to my boss, the owner of the resturaunt. There's this whole ring of confusion because I can't tell if he means his waiter (who has the same name as my boss) or my boss. Eventually my boss comes up and I just give him the phone. Again, says he can't find his umbrella and we spend the next couple of minutes trying to find it. We eventually determine that it's not here and think that that's that.

Well, 30 minutes later he comes back in, convinced that the umbrella is here and that we just didn't look hard enough. My boss and I just kinda let him go and look for it himself but literally whenever he has the chance to ask an employee about a missing umbrella he does. So the next 10 minutes I have at least 4 different coworkers coming up to me and asking me about this damn umbrella, to which I tell them all the same thing: He already called and no we don't have it.

FINALLY, one of my co-workers decide to go help him look for the umbrella in his car. They find it on the back seat.

All that and he didn't even have to leave home if he had look hard enough.

tl;dr: man calls asking for umbrella we don't have, determines we are lying and comes to look for himself, has every employee looking for said umbrella, umbrella was in his car the whole time

-- gay-pears








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