Entertaining Easter Images: Easter Eee Font Fail
Pet Store Easter Bunny Visit: Umm...you look like my chew toy

Pet Store Hell: "My fish is dead can you do something about it?"



From  Xxmixtape_meltdown Tales From the Pet Shop:

I work at a small private pet store.

A customer says to me "My fish is dead can you do something about it?"

.... Like?

Her friend says no it's just swimming funny. She keeps claiming it's dead. The fish has been in a car for the last 2 days.

"But you can do something right?"

..... Blank stare..... "Like? Exactly? What?" I don't know CPR, I have nothing to shock a heart... I'm no doctor.

She says, I can not make this up.

"Well Petco price matched and so I figured you'd give me credit for it"

What? First off no, I doubt that. Second, what?

I had to ask, why at this point.

"Well youre all the same and I want my money back..."

..... We are not a corporation. We are not them. I suggested she speak with them. She was not very happy with me at that point. I told my manager what happened. They just kept asking, what?!







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