The Entitlement Complex: The Lengths Gone For A Scam
Sidewalk Signage: You Needed A Pie Chart For That?

Cashier Hell: Young people don’t do that anymore?



From 4chino4, Tales From Retail:

I work at a clothing store and at the end of every transaction we ask the customer for their e-mail to send a copy of the receipt (and other spam promos).

Three adult ladies (who I am assuming were a mom and her two daughters) were checking out and I ask the only one that was paying attention to me what is her e-mail?

She said something weird (she pronounced the initials together?) and I said can you spell it out for me please?

and then she proceeded to say: “echo, november, sierra ......”

and I said “I’m sorry........... what?”

and she said “oh, they don’t teach military code to young people anymore?”

My 19 year old self shrugged my shoulders and shoved my finger on the card reader to confirm the e-mail for her and waited 2 whole minutes for them to gather their things and leave my register while the line grew.










It's a shame more people don't use it in general - it takes almost all the pesky guesswork out of spelling through accents, mispronunciation or whether it's an m or an n.

Spencer Snyder

It's really, really not that hard. Y'know how most people say "S as in Sam, D as in Dog" etc.? The phonetic alphabet is like that, but all the words were selected to be as distinct from each other as possible so there was no confusion over what was said/heard over squelchy, hastily transmitted and received radio broadcasts, and so that hundreds of different accents and speaking patterns would still be comprehensible. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu. This isn't some archaic system that's a holdover of a bygone generation, either - it's still used in airports (to identify passengers) and hospitals (where it might literally be a life and death situation not to confuse an S with an X).


Yes, but unless you use it a lot, you're going to have to slow down to think about what each letter is. I tend to use names, myself. And then there's people who want to argue over what word to use for what letter, and the special ones that say things like (exact quote) "H as in eagle".

We had a fun one when I worked for the big red phone company, someone had found a Foxtrot Yankee phonetic list, with things like 'K as in knife', 'E as in eye', 'X as in xylohpone'...

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