Been there, sort of. AOhelL clown got DSL, which runs through the phone line, then didn't pay their phone bill for six months, and not unreasonably, SBC turned off their phone. But of course it's AOL's fault, and of course we're going to pay both his bill AND the penalties AND give him a year free AOL PLUS the DSL...
Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce! I legitimately laughed at him. This did not go over well...
Been there, sort of. AOhelL clown got DSL, which runs through the phone line, then didn't pay their phone bill for six months, and not unreasonably, SBC turned off their phone. But of course it's AOL's fault, and of course we're going to pay both his bill AND the penalties AND give him a year free AOL PLUS the DSL...
Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce! I legitimately laughed at him. This did not go over well...
Posted by: TechTyger | Friday, June 15, 2018 at 04:30 AM
Yeah I hear that more often than I care to admit at my current job. Sorry cupcake, I can pay my bills. Why don't you try doing the same?
Posted by: Sandman2010 | Friday, June 15, 2018 at 06:03 AM