Dumbass Customers: What do you mean I need a real gmail?!
From u/Morktorknak
This customer just walked out of the store not 5 min ago, and I stopped laughing just long enough to type this.
Customer walks in and needs some help with her Apple ID, and she has her password written down, which is a miracle by prepaid cellphone standards, so my coworker tries to help her out for a bit to no avail.
Coworker: I'm trying to reset your apple ID, so you'll have to check your gmail first
Her: What do you mean? I dont have a gmail...
Coworker: Well you need one when you create your Apple ID, and its listing a gmail right here
Her: Oh that's not a real gmail
Coworker: ...what?
Her: Yeah I made that gmail up it doesnt actually exist
At that point even I looked over and my coworker and I exchanged looks that basically said "how stupid can you be." If this was some old lady that didnt understand technology that would have been a bit more acceptable, but this was a teenage girl who was somehow tech illiterate in 2018.
Coworker: Well theres nothing I can do without a real gmail
Her: But I cant use it! It's useless and I just bought it! Can I return it?
Coworker: Yeah but you'd have to go back to the store you bought it at
Her: Why?! That's too far! I need to return it because it doesnt work!
Me: Well it does work, because you do have service and stuff it's just your Apple ID needs a real gmail to work, I'm not sure why you'd put in a fake one
Her: I cant download anything though so its useless! I just bought it earlier today cant I return it?
Coworker and I looked at each other again, knowing this would just go in circles
Coworker: Yeah but you'd have to go back to the original store, unfortunately theres nothing I can do now, but you do have 7 days to return it.
Her: ...fine! First thing tomorrow I'm going back to that store to return it.
She left in a huff (as is tradition) and we couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor workers she was going to yell at tomorrow when she found out the phone was a final sale, no exchanges or returns allowed, as was clearly indicated on her receipt.
During my time doing support for the Fruit Company, I had a caller enter in his street address and create his iCloud account using that as an email address, somehow. It was about 5 years ago, so I don't remember all the details, but I'll never forget him reading me what was in the field
Posted by: TenebrisVenator | Friday, August 10, 2018 at 11:55 AM