Dumbass Customers: Someone Made The Text In Cursive!
From u/rachelmaryl, TalesFromRetail
In college, I worked for a floral shop that shared a space with a bakery. We had the space for both businesses to operate and it naturally was a good partnership. This story takes place near the end of my senior year. I was six weeks shy of graduating with two degrees. Although I cared about the stores and wanted them to do well, my nonsense-tolerance had dropped significantly. One day, a woman came to me for balloons for her son's 2nd birthday party. She had already picked up her cake.
Woman (grumpily tossing her balloon choices at me): Ugh, I can't believe the bakery.
Me: Oh, is there something wrong?
Woman: Yes! LOOK at this cake!
She opens the box. It's a nice looking cake, decorated with icing and trains. A scrolling script says: "Happy 2nd Birthday Jackson!"
Me: ...
Me: I think it's a lovely ca-"
Me: Oh...well, it'll take me a couple minutes to fill these balloons. I bet you could take it back, and they could scrape off the old lettering, re-frost the blank space, and rewrite it for you.
Woman (clearly hasn't heard a word I said): I CAN'T BELIEVE SOMEONE IS SO STUPID TO THINK THIS IS OKAY!
Me (yelling above her): CAN YOUR SON EVEN READ?!
She immediately fell silent, blushed a deep purple, and was silent while I filled her balloons. She paid without a word.
rachelmaryl, I nominate you for a Retail Balls Award, good luck!
Posted by: Burly Goontar | Saturday, August 11, 2018 at 11:41 AM
Indeed. :D
Posted by: TechTyger | Saturday, August 11, 2018 at 02:59 PM
Good luck in your future, rachelmaryl! That mom should be embarrassed for putting up a fuss over something as trivial as the name on a cake! I understand if she got upset if the name was misspelled but the kid is 2 years old and does know his name but he can't write it.
Posted by: BH | Saturday, August 11, 2018 at 06:27 PM
It's in cursive because that's the only way writing with icing looks good. Have any of you out there (I'm talking to you lady, with the 2 year old) tried to print a message on a cake a pastry bag filled with icing? It's guaranteed to look hideous.
Posted by: Charmander | Saturday, August 11, 2018 at 07:30 PM