Nasty Ass Thieves: Is that a salami in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
From u/kimbooley90 Tales From Retail:
Just when I thought customers couldn't get any more disgusting, this happens...
So I'm serving on the checkouts, just doing my thing as usual. I'm just about finishing ringing up a customer when the next guy in line starts trying to make eye contact with me and saying "hello" to me a few times before I've finished the previous transaction. I just smile at him and say hello back, thinking he might just be super awkward with interactions and trying to get it over and done with as quickly as possible.
I finish serving my previous customer and start serving this guy who looks down at the ground and then nervously at the door. Okay, so he seems like he's acting a little suspicious right now, but I haven't actually seen him do anything, so there's not much I can do at this point. I continue scanning his items (small purchases like razors, an energy drink, a chocolate, a packet of chips). Then I hear a voice behind me say, in a low growl:
Take. That. Out of your pants. NOW.
I look behind me and my co worker, B, is standing there, staring this customer down. The guy avoids her gaze and shrugs and says he doesn't know what she's talking about.
You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, mate. J (our other co worker) saw you take salami from the deli case and put it down your pants. Take. It out. NOW.
The guy keeps avoiding her gaze and mutters a few things under his breath but eventually reaches down his pants and pulls out a 1kg stick of pepperoni salami and hands it to me.
I couldn't even hide the look of disgust on my face as I take the salami from him. I hold it with just the very tips of my thumb and index finger (btw, it was warm and soft by this point, you guys, so gross), scan it quickly and throw it into the bag. The guy mutters "sorry, sorry" under his breath to me as he pays and then quickly walks away with his head down.
I later find out from B that apparently this guy has been known to steal quite a bit. Or, rather, he gets caught before stealing but for whatever reason, he's never actually gotten into trouble. So when our other co worker, J, saw this guy come into the store, he followed him over to the deli case and watched him put the salami down his pants and then told B (who was the manager on duty at the time), about it so that she could confront him.