Retail Hell Memories: Hotel Hell - The Sports Team From Hell
Disneyland Hell: Dumbass Customer Invasion

Adventures with Cartie: Lover's Fight



From Chihirulee (story) and Natalie (pic), February, 2010


Lover's Fight - Who will win?

Carty: About last night. I didn't mean to shove into you like that. It was the old woman trying to clean up. We were all tired man, no one chose who went in who.

Blue: I thought we had something special, not even I love you. It hurt. I am tired of being pushed around. You think just because you are full of GROCERIES that you are the only one who works.

Carty: Is it because of my limp wheel. I love you Blue, I really do. 

Blue: I don't think we can shop together from now on. We're done.

Carty: But I love you. 

Blue: Tell that to Walmart, not that they'll listen!

And so the budding romance of Carty and Blue died on a cold day in February


see more Adventures with Cartie pics here






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