From August, 2011, Ilia's first post as Bookstore Slave:
Hello all, you can call me Bookstore Slave.
Now on this day, I was a fellow customer in this store. I had no uniform, no name tag, and a purse over my shoulder. I was carrying a basket of books I was planning to purchase, and stopped frequently to READ the goddamn excerpts on the inside cover.
Custy: Can you tell me where to find [insert obscure book title here]?
Me: Unfortunately I can't. I'm not an employee. You can ask them at the information desk though.
I point out the info desk, which is a whole 15 feet away.
Custy: I don't want to walk that far! Just tell me where it is!
Me: Lady, I don't work here.
I walk away and select another book that catches my interest.
She follows me down the aisle, yelling and banging her fist on the shelving.
Me: LADY! I don't fucking work here! Ask a goddamn employee!
The woman goes fucking ballistic and a manager arrives at a dead run, probably thinking somebody's getting murdered.
Custy: Fire this bitch! She swore at me and refuses to help me!
The manager looks at me, looks at the customer and then says: Ma'am, this is not one of our employees.
Custy: This woman was rude to me and I won't stand for it! You fire her right now or I'm calling your corporate office!
Manager to me: You're fired.
The woman strutted off like it was her birthday and I got a coupon for the trouble. To this day I don't know whether she was stupid, or just that goddamn determined to get SOMEBODY fired that day.
--Bookstore Slave
read more from Bookstore Slave here
read more Bookstore Hell here
for more Mistaken Identity tales go here
I think this woman is dumb and cruel which are two traits many criminals share!
Posted by: BH | Tuesday, November 06, 2018 at 12:26 PM