People of Walmart Crazy Lady Encounter: "Excuse me, where is your deodorant?"
From December, 2010:
Hey there RHU readers. First time submission here guess I'll just go by Jaxom on here, pretty much my online persona.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share the story of Vag Stank lady.
I am currently a slave of Hell-Mart and have been for about 3 months, and just last week, I saw something that literally made me ROFL for at least 2 mins.
Anyway I was working a cart of Health and Beauty aides when I smelt something horrible!
It smelt like baby poop mixed with old people smell and a heaping amount of body odor.
I hear a lady say, "Excuse me, where is your deodorant?"
I turn around and immediately know that this woman is the source of the stank.
I tell her, "Next aisle over on the right."
All is well I think, just as long as she leaves my immediate area. So I go walk back to my cart to grab another box, which is at the end and between the two aisles.
I heard a strange pssst noise. I look down the other aisle and there is the old lady standing there, spread legged and emptying an entire can of Axe onto her crotch.
I mean an entire freakin can! Her pants looked soaked with axe.
She didn't notice me so I just left the area immediately practically ran to the back room and just fell to the floor laughing.
All I could think about was, why did I not have a camera to submit to the website "the people of ******* .com"
But yeah just a funny story I thought I would share.
I ask RHU, what's the grossest thing you've witnessed a customer doing? [to see answers, go here]
read more Gross Retail Hell here
read more Crazy Lady tales here