Rude Customers: "It's Your Fault I'm Stupid!"
From u/jinriah, TalesFromRetail
A very short one from today in the land of cosmetics at Chain Superstore (TM).
Stupid Rude Lady: "POWDER!"
Me: "...You're looking for powder, ma'am? Face powder, washing powder, baby powder...?"
SRL: much more emphatically "POWDER!"
Me: gives up and guesses "Baby powder?"
SRL: nodding angrily "Yes, god! Where?"
Me: "That'll be on the infant aisles, over -"
SRL: actually banging her hands on her cart handle "No, no, no! God! Powder for a man!"
Me: internally, you LITERALLY JUST SAID....
Me: externally "Powder... For a man? I'm sorry, can you be more spec -"
SRL: "Oh my god! Beard powder!"
Me: wtf is beard powder???? "Um. That sounds like it would be in the men's shaving aisle if we have -"
SRL: "Oh. My. God! I looked there! It's not there! You don't have any!"
SRL: "I'm just going to get what I have and go! You weren't helpful!" storms off
And I only had 7 1/2 hours to go. Also, seriously, wtf is beard powder? I'm a guy and don't even know.
Read more Rude Customers stories here!
"Liquid! What are we doing?"
Posted by: TechTyger | Sunday, October 14, 2018 at 02:53 PM