From u/ericaferrica I Don't Work Here Lady:
Never thought I'd have one of these stories but here we go! This weekend my partner and I were doing some Fall cleaning and ran out to do some errands in the middle of it. I was wearing dark leggings with marijuana leaves and a hoodie, my partner wearing basketball shorts and a hoodie - we had been cleaning all day and didn't really care about our attire as our errands were supposed to be a short trip. One of the stores we stopped in was Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I don't think they have an official "uniform," the staff we could see were mostly wearing casual clothing (jeans, leggings, sneakers, etc).
We're walking through aisles looking at stuff when I see an older woman at the end of the long hall waving her arms at me frantically. I stop and start waving back, thinking "do I know her?" and just can't recognize her from afar. I wait as she walks towards me and I can tell that I don't know her. She will be "Older Lady (OL)" and I'll be me.
When she gets up to me, she says:
OL: "Hi could you tell me where ____ is?" (I don't remember what she actually wanted).
Me: "Oh I'm sorry, I don't work here."
OL: "Oh no really? But you look like the other workers and I can't find anybody"
Me: "I promise I don't work here" - points at pants
She loses it, she lets out this huge HAAAAAA! and starts laughing her ass off. "OOOOOH yeah you don't work here!" I noticed a female employee a little further down that hallway so as she's laughing and looking around, I point at the other woman (who also is wearing leggings and a long sleeve shirt, so I can understand OL's confusion). She thanked me and walked away.
She saw me at another point in the store later walking around with the employee I pointed to. "That's the nice pot lady that tried to help me!" <3
Tldr: Older woman thought I worked at Sleep, Shit, and So Much More. I didn't. She liked my weed leggings and called me nice.
Never thought I'd have one of these stories but here we go! This weekend my partner and I were doing some Fall cleaning and ran out to do some errands in the middle of it. I was wearing dark leggings with marijuana leaves and a hoodie, my partner wearing basketball shorts and a hoodie - we had been cleaning all day and didn't really care about our attire as our errands were supposed to be a short trip. One of the stores we stopped in was Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I don't think they have an official "uniform," the staff we could see were mostly wearing casual clothing (jeans, leggings, sneakers, etc).
We're walking through aisles looking at stuff when I see an older woman at the end of the long hall waving her arms at me frantically. I stop and start waving back, thinking "do I know her?" and just can't recognize her from afar. I wait as she walks towards me and I can tell that I don't know her. She will be "Older Lady (OL)" and I'll be me.
When she gets up to me, she says:
OL: "Hi could you tell me where ____ is?" (I don't remember what she actually wanted).
Me: "Oh I'm sorry, I don't work here."
OL: "Oh no really? But you look like the other workers and I can't find anybody"
Me: "I promise I don't work here" - points at pants
She loses it, she lets out this huge HAAAAAA! and starts laughing her ass off. "OOOOOH yeah you don't work here!" I noticed a female employee a little further down that hallway so as she's laughing and looking around, I point at the other woman (who also is wearing leggings and a long sleeve shirt, so I can understand OL's confusion). She thanked me and walked away.
She saw me at another point in the store later walking around with the employee I pointed to. "That's the nice pot lady that tried to help me!" <3
Tldr: Older woman thought I worked at Sleep, Shit, and So Much More. I didn't. She liked my weed leggings and called me nice.