English Is Hard: Happy feeling assured
From Perpetually Indignant: "It takes you to the happy feeling" on my Taiwanese chocolate balls wrapper.;;
See more English is Hard pics here!
From Perpetually Indignant: "It takes you to the happy feeling" on my Taiwanese chocolate balls wrapper.;;
See more English is Hard pics here!
From Josh, October, 2010: Saw this at Walmart in Athens,GA. There were four more next to it!
What do you guys think?
see more English is Hard here
see and read more Walmart Hell here
From Rhiannon, April 2010:
Himself and I went to Hastings at the weekend with the friends we're staying with, and found this sign in the sweet shop we went in.
Got quite a few funny looks from the cashiers, but seriously - who the fuck wrote this sign?
And why didn't they see how ridiculous it was?!
Peace out,