From u/gkc07, TalesFromRetail
Gas station worker here. I'm pretty sure a lot of you are familiar with "Leave a penny, take a penny" jars.
So we have this one annoying regular who always complains about everything and uses change from penny tray for his own convenience. The thing is, this guy always have enough money. He just doesn't want to break up his bills and he never left any change into the penny jar.
This event happened two days ago. RG=Rude Guy, M=Me
RG: Give me those dollar blunt wraps.
M: That will be $1.06. (6 cents for tax)
I saw him opening his wallet and he had plenty of dollar bills. He places a dollar on the counter, sees a dime in the penny jar, and places the dime on the counter.
M: Alright, thank you.
RG: My change?
M: That wasn't your change.
RG: What?
M: That was from the penny jar. I'm going to put four cents into the penny jar. Maybe you should leave some change into penny jar next time.
RG: No, that's my four cents.
M: No. You could have used another dollar but you decided to use a dime from the penny jar. There are people who actually need these spare change, unlike you.
I know I sound rude. However, if you had spent even ten seconds talking to this guy, you will immediately realize this guy is a jerk. The way how he treats my fellow co-workers is ridiculously rude.
RG: So you stealing my money?
M: No. You stole money.
Now this is the funny part. RG stares me for about three seconds and turns back to the guy who was waiting behind.
RG: Hey you see this right here? This guy is refusing to give me my money! Haha!
G: No man... you just took that change from penny jar... I don't think that's your money.
RG: What?
G: Hey sir? (Looking at me) Can I just buy gas and go?
While G was using his card to purchase gas, RG was just staring at me.
RG: You are rude, you know that?
M: Thank you. Bye.
RG: I will never come back to this store again!, Mumbles "Idiot", Leaves
Needless to say RG came back today. It was pretty funny because he avoided my register and went to my co-worker's.