Retail Hell Memories: The Napkin Ring



From u/misscrochetfingers Tales From Retail:

Had a customer give to her teething child a napkin ring to chew on as they walked around the store (the napkin ring was round and made out of a wicker/rattan woven material). As they walked around the store the child was still chewing on this thing.

Finally they come to the cash desk to pay for some items and I notice the napkin ring is no where to be found. As I finish ringing everything through, I ask them about the napkin ring the child was chewing on. The mother claims the daughter never had it in her mouth (child was playing with it like it was a rattle).

Thankfully, my other worker who has impeccable timing brought to me a sopping wet napkin ring hidden behind a vase on a shelf.

I looked at the mother and she went beet red. I told her I would be charging her for the napkin ring (she thankfully did not out up a fight). I wrapped it up in a tissue cause I don't know what germs her child had and put it in the bag.

Wished her a good night and she went on her way.

Seriously people ... If you're going to let your children play/goober up in a store, be prepared to pay for it!!








Gross Retail Hell: Bigwig's Smelly Surprise



I worked in an office for a few years and some guy off the street befouled our hallway. And I mean he left the steaming pile, and his soiled underwear on the floor.

By some miracle, he happened to leave it under a vent that led to the bigwig’s offices.

We would have felt bad for the bigwig if he wasn't such a corporate kiss ass that his decisions sided more with protecting corporate than giving retail slaves any support.

It was hilarious and disgusting at the same time, because MANY of us found the source of the smell, but we let him tear his office apart trying to find the smell first. Finally, when it was obvious that the smell wasn't directly in his room, one scampered to the door and told him that someone had left the present.

It was NOBODY'S job to clean it up, and he was not legally able to force any of us. The janitors had gone home for the day, so he either had to work in his smelly office and let the janitors take care of it tomorrow.... or he had to dig in the janitor's closet for gloves and clean it himself.

As a snooty, hoity toity, too good for meanial work bigwig, he decided to go home early that day.




Department Store Hell: Customers Continue to Use Fitting Rooms as Toilets




From leonis_ Tales From Retail:

This just happened to me and I want to burn my hands off.

I am working in the lingerie department in a large store and saw a woman‘s shoes in the same changing room for quiet a while (I didn‘t think anything of it). I had to go to the front of the store for 5 minutes and when I came back the woman was gone.

So I enter the changing room and I see there is a fluid on the floor which I’m hoping is water. We have also little chairs in the changing rooms and there were some items on it which I thought would be safe.

I. Was. Wrong. I grabbed the clothes, notice they are dripping wet and I drop them immediately. I smell my hand and, yes, of COURSE, it is urine.


Now I‘ve scrubbed my hands raw and all I can smell is urine.

T-Minus 4 hours till I can cry at home.












Retail Hell Memories: Customer Leaves Behind Paper Bag



From  Tyko_3,  Tales From Retail:

I worked at an art supply store in 2005 and me and a few employees where walking around the isles checking inventory. I find a strange paper bag and one of the other guys goes to pick it up and puts it on the checkout counter but he now has this weird expression on his face.

We ask him what's up and he says "that bag has something long and wet inside it, I don't want to look inside".

Then out of nowhere this creepy dude wearing overalls and no shirt comes rushing from the back of the store and yells "ITS DOG FOOD! MIND YOUR OWN DAMNED BUSINESS!!!!".

He grabs the bag and storms out.

What. The. Hell...

-- Tyko_3












Tales From The Front Desk: A Nightmare Of Crazy Hotel Hell In Several Acts


1 hotel hellFrom Lightniiing, Tales From The Front Desk

This is a true story of an experience that I recently had the pleasure of being a part of. This might be a bit of the read, but I assure you its worth it. Just a quick background; I work at a resort right next to the beach so it is very family friendly and for the most part very expensive to stay at, which in turn puts off a lot of shady people from booking.

I now present to you all – The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Ms. Z

[ACT 1]

It was a normal day for the most part, check-ins were going smoothly and it was relatively quiet. That is until Ms. Z (not her real name obv) came to the front desk.

But let me tell you she smelled like SHIT. I got used to it after a while but that first moment when I smelt her up close... I was almost sick. She looks clean from a distance, but when you’re there stood next to her its a different story.

Anyways, she seemed a little distraught and explained to me that her car had been broken into. I of course got in touch with my security department so that they could take a report and look at tapes. Ms. Z was explaining her story with security and I, and apparently someone had been trying to break into her car multiple times throughout her stay. This is when the situation took a turn.

Ms. Z said, "Yeah, I have no idea how someone could have just broke through. I made sure to cast my barrier on it.”


Me: “Wait what?”

Security: "I'm sorry I didn’t catch that, can you repeat? Crazy ladies

Ms Z, screaming: "You YOU THINK I’M CRAZY HUH?! YOUR TRICKS WON’T WORK ON ME YOU. BLOODSUCKING WEREWOLF” (vampire wolf hybrid I guess)

We were all in silence as we were trying to comprehend what she meant by barrier and how this conversation went from 0-100. She starting getting more aggressive, ranting about how we are all beneath her, useless, and incapable of receiving her love. Security was trying their best calm her down since there were other guests in the lobby. She got so upset that she scoffed and literally RAN out of the building. Security filed the report and I went back to my duties, unaware of the events follow.

Pandora’s box hath been opened.

[ACT II: His Pants Are Crying. – Ms. Z vs. BF]

A day had passed since our last encounter with Ms. Z. Thinking it was over and done with, I heard a loud crash outside in the Porte-cochère.

Me and a few others went to go inspect what caused the noise and it was a fucking dude that crashed his car into one of giant flower pots. The flower pots are extremely sturdy so the car took most of the damage while managing to block incoming guests that are trying to park for check-in/depart.

When security arrived to examine the situation they were greeted by Ms. Z screaming at the guy. The man himself was tall, lanky, and did not look clean; pretty suspicious looking all around.

Turns out it was her car and the man who crashed it was her boyfriend, which we found out was the culprit that broke into her car. I guess they had been having a domestic dispute between the two. Shortly after the tow truck driver arrived to remove the vehicle from the area it was blocking.

Keep in mind there are now a few cars behind that are waiting to park and or depart.

The driver came to the front desk really awkwardly and pleaded “Hey bro do you mind if I use the restroom before I tow the vehicle? I don’t think I can hold it in any longer.”

I pointed him to the direction of the restroom and the dude straight up pissed himself on the way over there. Little spurts of piss followed his trail and he came out of the bathroom with a very obvious water stain near his crotch. Luckily there weren’t any guests around so it was a quick clean. Tow truck driver removed the vehicle and all was well. Or so I thought.

Skullies eeww[ACT III: “...Whats that smell, bro?”]

It was no secret that now Ms. Z and her boytoy were bad news. Wherever they went, bad things followed. Unfortunately we did not have any real means to evict them from the property. That is until we received multiple noise complaints aimed toward their room.

As usual we sent security to make contact with Ms. Z to tell her to stfu. When security arrived there was no answer at the door, but they noticed something.

One of the officers smelt something coming from inside the room that smelled so bad he gagged. Since it was apparent no one was in the room, the officers let themselves in to further inspect the smell since it was very dominant.

The room was messy, and there was trash all around but none that would emit this bad of a smell. They started closing in on the smell from the master bedroom and eventually ended up in the bathroom.

What came next was some next level shit, literally.

The entire tub was covered in SHIT. I’m talking COVERED IN SHIT. Not only that, but Ms. Z and her boyfriend had gone as far to start a mural in the guest bedroom. Using shit as their paint. They successfully painted a happy face and had begun to create from what I could decipher a heart with a cross in the middle.

How do I know this? Because security took pictures and videos of everything to use as evidence to evict them. We tried calling the number on file to speak with Ms. Z about what the hell was going on and were greeted by an elderly woman who was her mother.

We explained the situation and the mom was in shook. We then found out from the mother that Ms. Z had just got out of the looney bin a few days prior to her reservation and her boyfriend was one of the asylum workers. I can confirm that there was some sort of substance abuse involved. They never specified what, but drugs were inside the room.

We ended up evicting them with the help of the local authorities and had to take that room out of inventory for like 3 weeks. Her mother unfortunately had to pay for damages done to the room.

It was such a surreal experience that I honestly still can' believe that it actually happened. But it did and it was a shitty situation. Sorry for the wall of text, I just had to get it out of my system you guys.



Monstrous Customers: CUSTOMER. NOT. HAPPY.



From th3s0ap, Tales From Retail:

I work in a large Australian grocery store as just a team member, one day when I was working in the self-checkouts, helping when people double scan, making sure people don't just not scan certain items, sometimes check bags, etc; this one guy we'll call RM for rude man, comes with half a trolley of items on a Saturday night half an hour before we close (it was 9.30). We were understand as 2 people called in sick so there was 3 of us, one as the tobacco counter where she can sell tobacco or serve people physically who don't want to do it themselves and some who come up and say 'you're welcome for saving your job'. Anyway RM turns to me and says

RM: Just a piece of advice I want you to pass onto your manager, many of us don't like using the self checkout and want some else to do it.

Me: Yeah all good I understand Sir, I'm very sorry about that although if you'd like you can use the register next to the tobacco shop and someone can put you through

RM: I don't like using that one either you should have a full lane register open at all times

Me: Usually at 9.30 it's not very busy as the people who do come through have a small amount of stuff so instead they come through self checkout, but we usually have someone cleaning on standby who would put you through

RM: Well where are they and why didn't they?!

Me: Unfortunately we are quite understaffed tonight as 2 people called in sick so it's been pretty hectic, sorry for any inconvenience

RM: Then your managers should hire more staff

Me: We have plenty of staff it's just that tonight's in particular called in si...

RM interrupting: That's not my problem that's yours! Look I'm not getting annoyed at you just tell you manager customer not happy

Me: I'll pass it on when I ca...

RM interrupting and pointing at himself yelling slowly: no dont say anything else, just shut up, CUSTOMER. NOT. HAPPY.

Me literally saying: Wow

Tldr; guy came at almost closing with a large amount of stuff, people called in sick, he didn't want to use a smaller register or self checkout and become self righteous af.
