Justice Served: Rude Employee Gets Shut Down By Staff
From nonbinaryunicorn, TalesFromRetail
I work in a pet salon attached to a pet store. We hired a seasoned groomer a few months ago who proceeded to make every other person's life a living hell. There is a lot to this woman that I could tell, but I want to tell this one little incident between her, a customer, and myself. Everything else is more of a vent.
One afternoon, this older gentleman comes in, carrying two different brands of dog hair clippers. He is very polite and sets the boxes down on the counter so he can talk.
Gentleman: Hi, so I was told I could come in here to ask a couple questions about dog clippers.
Rude Groomer: (in that faux nice shut down voice typically reserved for customers whose stories are oft posted here) Oh, we can't answer questions from customers, sorry.
I am typically very timid and will let pretty much anyone walk over me if it means avoiding a confrontation (exceptions being expired rabies. I will NOT put myself, my dogs, or my job at risk because you want your damn nails done and waited like a dumbass). However, I am also consistently the best in the salon at customer service. And I dislike Rude Groomer very much. I was fucking born for this.
Me: Sure sir! What would you like to know?
Rude Groomer is shooting daggers at me. I ignore her.
Gentleman: Well, I have two schaunzers. One of their coats is dadada...
Something about a coat being wiry and him having difficulty cutting it at home and asking what brand is better, et al. There's techniques you can do to smooth wiry coats out, but it's all boring and I basically advise him to use a shorter blade and recommend the brand I'm most familiar with. Another groomer chimes in, saying she recommends the same but with different blades (personal preference). The customer leaves, satisfied with his choice.
Rude Groomer: I thought it was against policy to give grooming advice.
Everyone ignores her. Later on, one of the better managers comes in while Rude Groomer was off to lunch.
Manager: I had a customer tell me that someone in here claimed they couldn't advise on grooming tools?
Me: Oh it was Rude Groomer. I helped the customer and so did Other Groomer.
Manager: Ohh, her okay. Well, I'll let her know.
I went to lunch shortly afterwards and came back to find Rude Groomer had resting cat butt face. She apparently had also been told she couldn't do a couple other things anymore too, so all in all, I had a pleasant evening without her talking or belittling me. And the customer got a really good pair of clippers to use at home!