Random Acts Of Retail Kindness: Sweetest Customer I've Ever Had


C11From Imabrickwall, TalesFromRetail

This is a positive story.

I used to work at a chocolate store where you could pack your own box. During Valentine's day it would get very packed with lines out the door.

People tended to get rude since the wait was long, but I mean it's not my fault you waited until the last minute. I had a lot of rude customers and I was barely about 3 hours into my 9 hour shift so I was mentally done.

Next in line was a little old man and I was free so I helped him. He asked for a 2 pound box and a 1 pound box of caramels.

This made it so easy since it was just one kind, so I even took my time and placed them neatly, which he didn't ask for but I did it anyways. It really was not a hard order and he was so patient and kind, telling me he had been buying the same gift for his wife for about 25 years.

We had a pleasant conversation and I finished fairly quickly. After all was done, I rung him up and his total was about $50 (this is a high end store) and he paid. I thanked him for being so kind and he smiled and pulled out a bill and told me it was for me since I was so kind and worked hard.

I was so surprised and just felt so happy that he thought this way, but we were not allowed to accept tips. So I told him and he would not take no for an answer, so he looked for my manager in the middle of a packed store and demanded that I be allowed to receive it.

My manager nodded and I accepted. He gave me $10 for literally the easiest order. He was a customer I will never forget, he was just so kind to go out of his way and even look for a manager so that I could receive it, not giving up until I took it.

He really brightened my day despite the rude customers.
