Shoe Store Hell: "What Do You Mean You Can't Return This!?"
From Recusant1, TalesFromRetail
I work in the Footwear department for a pretty famous retailer and returns are not uncommon at all. I'm not sure if its the same for other retailers but for us you need at least one of three things to return an item: the receipt, be a member, or use a credit card; within 30 days of the date of the original purchase. Names have been changed. Now here's the story
It was just an average Monday; slow, not too many customers around. I was behind the cash wrap cleaning up when this guy comes in with his shoes. When I see a customer that's holding a shoe box I already know its a return so I get the register ready for a return and wait for him to talk.
C - "I need to return this"
Me - "OK, do you have a receipt?"
C- "No, it was a gift, I don't know who bought it"
Me - "...ok, well I can use a phone number or email that you think it might have been bought under"
C - Proceeds to give a number.
Me - "Ok is Eddie someone you know?"
C - "I don't know who that is. That's his number though." Visibly starting to get mad
Me - "Well that person might have been the previous owner of the number, it happens. Do you know any other numbers or emails that they might have used?"
C - "No"
Me - "Um well unfortunately since I don't have any of the three things we need, I cant' do the return for you."
C - The Title
Me - Explaining the return policy to him again, slower this time
Me - "OK" with a smile
C - "We are getting to the bottom of this!"
So I go on the PA and request the manager on duty to my department. She calls me to say shes busy and it'll be a few minutes. I say simply say ok and let the guy know it will be a couple of minutes. He's not happy but agrees to wait. The funny thing is that I do a purchase and a return that both took less than 5 minuets collectively in front of him with no hitches. After the return I did for the other customer he wanted me to call the manager again. I just smile and call again. She shows up and I take a step back.
Asm - "Whats the issue?
C - "He's telling me that he can't return my shoe!"
Asm - "Ok well do you have the receipt"
C - "No! The shoe was a gift! I didn't buy it!"
Asm - "ok well so you know their phone number or email?"
C - "He already checked that! Its coming up with the wrong person!"
Asm - "... ok... let me go on the computer to see if they used that phone number to make the purchase" checks "Doesn't look like it was bought under that one, lets try yours just to double check. checks "Unfortunately it didn't come up with that one either."
C - "OK, so what?"
Asm - "We can't do the return since we are missing the needed information."
C - "That is ridiculous! I want to talk to the store manager!"
Asm - "Well that's me today so..."
C - "Well if you're the manager then you can just give me my money back!"
Asm - "Unfortunately that's not how it works, return policy explained for the 3rd or 4th time, we need one of those three things."
C - Proceeds to take out his store credit card "Ok well when I get home I'm going to shred up this card that I've had since 1963! And I'll never shop here again!"
Asm - "That has been the policy for more than 2 years now and I unfortunately cannot do the return for you..."
C - "Every other store I shop at can do the return without the receipt! Why can't you!? You're the manager!"
C - I'm going to tear up my card and never coming back!" *Takes his shoe box from the counter with anger and proceeds to get both of our names before storming off
The manager and I just look at each other in disbelief and laugh. When she was looking up his purchase history she found out that that last time he bought anything from our stores was more than a year ago and less than $100. Her last words to me "Some customer we're losing." Another laugh followed.