Adventures with Cartie: Good Times with the Scan Gun
If only Cartie could do this full time and not have to deal with Piggies and hellspawn!
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If only Cartie could do this full time and not have to deal with Piggies and hellspawn!
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From Target Wench February, 2011
Carts naturally have an aversion to public bathrooms but this one just couldn't hold it anymore and wound up in the Women's restroom at Target. Unfortunately due to this cart's lack of opposable thumbs and inability to open a stall door...a regrettable accident happened shortly after these pictures were taken.
--Target Wench
see more Adventures with Cartie here
From December, 2009:
I was walking down the streets of NYC on December 23rd and what do I see in the lobby of some office building? A cousin of Cartie's that looks quite dangerous! I deemed him "Killer"! Killer Cart was parked next to a Christmas Tree and presents. I went inside and talked to the security people. They had no clue why Killer was there and what Killer represented in the way of holiday decor. Whatever the reason, this testosterone cart rules the aisle way and parking lot! Nobody will fuck with Killer!
Black Friday Shopping Cart Joust anyone?
Even a seat for the little Hell Spawn.
Driver view: Move out of the way or become shopping cart kabob.
see more Adventures with Cartie here
From Chihirulee (story) and Natalie (pic), February, 2010
Lover's Fight - Who will win?
see more Adventures with Cartie pics here
From Mic, January, 2010:
Completely ill-prepared, the summit will most likely kill them.
See more Adventures with Cartie here
Blue: I thought we had something special, not even I love you. It hurt. I am tired of being pushed around. You think just because you are full of GROCERIES that you are the only one who works.
Carty: Is it because of my limp wheel. I love you Blue, I really do.Blue: I don't think we can shop together from now on. We're done.
Carty: But I love you.Blue: Tell that to Walmart, not that they'll listen!
And so the budding romance of Carty and Blue died on a cold day in February